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Vaporwave Vixen is an Air, Gold Fukua variant.

Vaporwave Vixen is also available as a Prize Fight reward in the Gold Tier and Diamond Tier of the A League of Her Clone Prize Fight.


Signature Ability 1
After IDLING or WALKING for 3/2/1 seconds(s) without suffering a hit, gain UNFLINCHING.

Signature Ability 2
After Fukua and her opponent have not suffered a HIT (including blocked hits) for 2 seconds, gain THORNS and MIASMA for 5/7/10 seconds.

Tips and Tricks[]

Role & Strategy[]

  • Vaporwave Vixen is a defensive fighter with a Signature Ability that grants her stacks of MIASMA and THORNS when either player have not suffered a hit. This allows her to easily gain multiple stacks of those BUFFS by simply dodging and avoiding any direct contact, making her a strong defensive fighter that pressures players to make the first move. Furthermore, Vaporwave also gains UNFLINCHING when she idles for a second without getting hit, but given the aggressiveness of the AI, it is rare for this to activate when used defensively.
  • MIASMA is a strong BUFF that allows Vaporwave to drain the opponent's health and meter, allowing her to be used offensively by purely relying on MIASMA to defeat the toughest defenders. In the offense, simply dodge and keep dashing backwards away from the opponent to gain multiple stacks of THORNS and MIASMA. Equipping Fukua's TAUNT, BREAKDOWN, can also be useful to gain a stack of MIASMA and drain back more health and meter.
  • Like most defensive Fukua fighters, it is recommended to equip blockbusters such as INEVITABLE SNUGGLE and TWICE SHY which is able to regain back some health depending on the damage dealt.
  • Marquee Ability: Both of Fukua's Marquee Abilities only activates when a certain percentage of health is lost, which will happen often when used defensively. WRAITH'S WRATH is the recommended Marquee Ability for Vaporwave Vixen to increase her survivability which may allow her to survive fatal attacks.
  • Stat Investment: As with any other defensive fighters, Vaporwave Vixen will benefit from investment in HP, Def and Meter Gain to increase her survivability in fights while charging blockbusters faster to punish opponents using an unblockable Tier 3 blockbuster. Furthermore, Resistance is another useful stat to invest in to resist CURSE or HEX as she will be relying on her stacks of MIASMA and THORNS as a defender.

Rift Battles[]

  • The combination of both MIASMA and THORNS makes Vaporwave Vixen a very strong defender as she makes it difficult for players to defeat her with a blockbuster finish (from MIASMA) while maintaining a full health (from THORNS).
  • Vaporwave Vixen works particularly well with Evergreen Evil that can gain blockbuster meter for every BUFF that her teammates gain, allowing her to TAG IN with a fully charged unblockable Tier 3 blockbuster. Furthermore, both fighters have the same element: Air which provides some elemental synergy through catalysts such as Into Thin Air and the weekly elemental modifier.

