SkullgirlsMobile Wiki

Underdog is a Dark, Bronze Beowulf variant.

Signature Ability 1
Gain ARMOR for 10/12/15 seconds when inflicted with a DEBUFF.
Signature Ability 2
Gain HASTE for 10/12/15 seconds when inflicted with a DEBUFF.

Tips and Tricks[]

Role & Strategy[]

  • Underdog is a niche offensive fighter that is used for his ability to remove SLOW and AMOUR BREAK. He gains HASTE and AMOUR when suffering a DEBUFF which allows him to spam Blockbuster and reduce damage suffered. This ability allows him to counter catalyst such as Scratching Post and Record Breaker.
  • The main draw back for Underdog is that HASTE is a buff available to any Beowulf through his taunt, which makes his whole second Signature Ability redundant. His first Signature Ability grants ARMOR, which has little value when you're in an offensive position.
  • Currently, Underdog is mainly replaced with fighters like Gravedigger that are better counters to rift nodes with Scratching Post and also have a much better offensive Signature Ability.
  • Marquee Ability: DEFENDING CHAMP is the recommended Marquee Ability when used as an offensive unit, which allows him to slightly increase his lackluster attack and deal more damage.

Stat Investment[]

  • General Investment: As an offensive Beowulf, Underdog is best built with Attack, Piercing and Special Cooldown.
  • Special Investment: As he naturally gains HASTE, try to avoid investing in Meter Gain, as Meter Gain caps at 100%.


Change Log
2.0.1 Update
  • SA1 (OLD): Take 10/15/25% less damage when suffering from a negative COMBAT EFFECT.
    • SA1 (NEW): Gain ARMOR for 10/12/15 seconds when inflicted with a DEBUFF.
  • SA2 (OLD): Gain HASTE for 5/7/10 seconds when suffering from a negative COMBAT EFFECT.
    • SA2 (NEW): Gain HASTE for 10/12/15 seconds when inflicted with a DEBUFF.