SkullgirlsMobile Wiki

Ultraviolent is a Dark, Gold Peacock variant.

Signature Ability 1
Projectile HITS have a 25/35/50% chance to grant DEADEYE and BARRIER for 15 seconds each.
Signature Ability 2
Projectiles HITS inflict 25/35/50% bonus damage and grant HASTE for 10 seconds while benefiting from DEADEYE.

Tips and Tricks[]

Role & Strategy[]

  • Ultraviolent is an offensive fighter that uses projectiles to gain unique BUFFS and deal a lot of damage to the opponent.
    • DEADEYE is a powerful BUFF that ignores the opponent's defense stat while also ignoring AUTO-BLOCK, UNFLINCHING, THORNS and EVASION
    • BARRIER provides survivability
    • HASTE increases the amount of meter gained for blockbusters
  • Out of all the BUFFS that Ultraviolent gains, DEADEYE is the most significant, allowing her to deal increased damage while ignoring a lot of potent defensive BUFFS that is present in defenders like Model Leader, Plot Twisted, Rose-Tinted and That's All Folks!.
  • Ultraviolent can easily activate her Signature Abilities from a single use of ARGUS AGONY. This is a recommended blockbuster to equip as it charges really fast and deals multiple projectile HITS, allowing Ultraviolent to gain five stacks of BARRIER easily.
  • BARRIER opens up the possibility of pairing Ultraviolent with support variants like Rock Star and Starlight Rose to provide additional benefits such as increased damage, recovery and meter.
    • Although BARRIER provides extra survivability, Ultraviolent is still quite frail defensively and players will still have to be careful on using Ultraviolent, especially in high Prize Fight streaks.
  • Marquee Ability: SPECIAL FEATURE is the recommended Marquee Ability for Ultraviolent as it provides the chance to reset the cooldown for her special moves which are mostly projectiles and reuse them almost immediately.
  • Stat Investment: Like any other offensive Peacocks, Ultraviolent will benefit from investment in ATK, Piercing and Meter Gain to increase her damage output while charging blockbusters faster.


Change Log
6.3 Update
  • SA1 (Old): Projectiles have a 25/35/50% chance to ignore the opponent's DEFENSE and ARMOR.
    • SA1 (New): Projectile HITS have a 25/35/50% chance to grant DEADEYE and BARRIER for 15 seconds each.
  • SA2 (Old): Projectiles inflict 25/35/50% more damage against opponents with UNFLINCHING or ARMOR.
    • SA2 (New): Projectiles HITS inflict 25/35/50% bonus damage and grant HASTE for 10 seconds while benefiting from DEADEYE.

