SkullgirlsMobile Wiki
SkullgirlsMobile Wiki

Toad Warrior is an Air, Silver Cerebella variant.


Signature Ability 1
Gain 1/2/3% BLOCKBUSTER METER per second while near an opponent.

Signature Ability 2
Inflict 25/35/50% bonus damage while a BLOCKBUSTER is fully charged.

Tips and Tricks[]

Role & Strategy[]

  • Toad Warrior is an offensive fighter with a Signature Ability that grants her meter while near the opponent and increased damage output. Her ability takes advantage of Cerebella's high stats to deal massive burst damage while rewarding the player for staying next to the opponent longer, either through the use of longer combos or by knocking the opponent into the corner.
  • Running multiple blockbusters increases the chance of having one on standby for an increased boost in damage while also having a powerful combo finisher in the form of that blockbuster. Knowing when to use blockbusters is important for Toad Warrior as a missed or blocked blockbuster can reduce overall damage capacity.
  • Be wary of fighters with inherent meter control in their abilities such as Ivy League, Diva Intervention and Freeze Frame as they can make it difficult to sustain a fully charged blockbuster when they punish you.
  • Marquee Ability: Either Marquee Abilities will work with Toad Warrior. UPPER HAND is generally the superior Marquee Ability as it allows any Cerebella to act as a meter control variant to prevent opponents from using blockbusters to punish. Meanwhile, RING LEADER will trap opponents and prevent them from escaping via TAG OUTS while also disabling their special moves which may be useful in some niche situations.
  • Stat Investment: Like any other offensive Cerebella's, Toad Warrior will greatly benefit from investment in ATK, Piercing and Meter Gain for easier access to blockbusters and increased damage output.


  • This variant is a reference to Rash from the Battletoads series. The variant's name is also a pun on the series' name.

