SkullgirlsMobile Wiki

Time Thief is a Fire, Gold Ms. Fortune variant.

Signature Ability 1
When landing a HIT while throwing her head, Ms. Fortune gains HASTE for 10 seconds and deals damage equal to 50/75/100% of her ATTACK.
Signature Ability 2
50/75/100% of the damage suffered while in HEADLESS MODE is regained when Ms. Fortune recalls her head.

Tips and Tricks[]

Role & Strategy[]

  • Time Thief is an offensive fighter who regains health in headless mode by recalling her head. Her Signature Ability grants HASTE and deals damage based on her attack when throwing her head, encouraging players to switch between headless mode for healing and dealing damage.
  • Marquee Ability: The recommended Marquee Ability for Time Thief is BOOP to gain stacks of ENRAGE and further increase her damage output.

Stat Investment[]

  • General Investment: As an offensive Ms. Fortune, Time Thief is best built with Attack, Piercing, Meter Gain and Special Cooldown.
  • Special investment: Meter Gain should be completely avoided due to her access to HASTE.


  • This variant's color palette is a reference to Tracer, one of the first heroes in the multiplayer team-based first-person shooter game, Overwatch by Blizzard Entertainment, with its caption being a direct quote from the character.
  • This variant's Signature Ability is a reference to Tracer's Recall ability that allows Tracer to bound backwards in time, returning her health, ammo and position on the map to precisely where they were a few seconds before.
Change Log
6.3 Update
  • SA1 (Old): When landing a HIT while throwing her head, Ms. Fortune inflicts DEATH MARK for 10 seconds and deals damage equal to 50/75/100% of her ATTACK.
    • SA1 (New): When landing a HIT while throwing her head, Ms. Fortune gains HASTE for 10 seconds and deals damage equal to 50/75/100% of her ATTACK.

