Summer Salt is a Light, Diamond Parasoul variant.
Signature Ability 1 |
Opponents lose 1 BUFF and 1/2/3% HEALTH every 2 seconds while near a TEAR. |
When DETONATING at least 3 TEARS at once, REMOVE all DEBUFFS and gain 3/4/5 stacks of PRECISION. The detonated TEARS also deal 100% BONUS DAMAGE. |
Tips and Tricks[]
Role & Strategy[]
- Summer Salt is an offensive fighter with a Signature Ability that is able to remove BUFFS and DEBUFFS easily through her TEARS while gaining massive damage output from stacks of PRECISION and TEAR detonation. This combination of abilities, along with her naturally high base ATK stat, allows her to be an offensive juggernaut capable of defeating the toughest of defenders when played correctly.
- BUFF removal is a very strong trait to have, allowing Summer Salt the ability to counter defensive fighters such as Heavy Metal, Resonant Evil, Blue Screen, Meow & Furever, and That's All Folks! that primarily relies on BUFFS. Furthermore, she is able to gain stacks of PRECISION, allowing her to counter on-death Signature Abilities of defenders such as Immoral Fiber, Kill Joy, and Plot Twisted.
- The main takeaway to Summer Salt's ability is her first Signature Ability to remove BUFFS. You can forgo her second Signature Ability by equipping special moves such as IMMUNITY TAUNT and EGRET CALL which gives IMMUNITY to DEBUFFS and a maximum of 3 stacks of PRECISION on-demand.
- To maximize the use of her ability, try to push the opponent into the corner as much as possible via grabs, combos and launchers. Once in the corner, all TEARS that are spawned in a juggle will be placed within a close distance, allowing you to continually attack the opponent without fear of any defensive BUFFS.
- Furthermore, equip moves that can spawn TEARS easily such as NAPALM SHOWER and NAPALM SHOT. NAPALM TRIGGER can be useful to detonate TEARS in the middle of a combo, allowing you to gain stacks of PRECISION while also dealing massive amounts of damage to the opponent.
- Marquee Ability: For the recommended Marquee Ability, it ultimately depends on the stats of your moves. If your moves have a high Crit Rate, CRITICAL MASS is preferred to deal significantly more damage as more TEARS are spawned. If not, CRITICAL THINKING can suffice but will ultimately deal significantly less damage, unless there is some investment in Crit Damage.
- Stat Investment: Summer Salt will benefit from investment in ATK and Piercing to increase her maximum damage output. Depending on the Marquee Ability that is chosen, Summer Salt will also benefit from investment in Crit Rate (for CRITICAL MASS) and Crit Damage (for CRITICAL THINKING).
- Parasoul's color palette for this variant is a reference to Fluttershy from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, while Krieg's palette is a reference to Hungern, the living weapon of Umbrella.
- This variant's caption is a direct quote from Umbrella in a Skullgirls fan comic.