SkullgirlsMobile Wiki

Silent Kill is a Water, Gold Valentine variant.

Silent Kill is also available as a Prize Fight reward in the Gold Tier and Diamond Tier of the Casket Match Prize Fight.

Signature Ability 1
15/20/25% chance on HIT to remove all DEBUFFS from self.
Signature Ability 2
15/20/25% chance on HIT to remove all BUFFS from opponent.

Tips and Tricks[]

Role & Strategy[]

  • Silent Kill is an offensive fighter with a Signature Ability that removes BUFFS from opponents and DEBUFFS from herself, allowing her to act as a cleanser while being immune to a majority of DEBUFFS. This makes her an amazing fighter that is highly sought after in high rank play for BUFF control.
  • Marquee Ability: ICU is the recommended Marquee Ability to provide Silent Kill easy access to healing which synergizes very well with her Signature Ability that removes all DEBUFFS on herself.
  • Stat Investment: As an offensive variant, Silent Kill will benefit from investment in ATK, Piercing and Meter Gain to increase her damage output and charge blockbusters quicker.

Rift Battles[]

  • Silent Kill excels in Rift Battles where BUFFS are common from modifiers and catalysts. Due to her Signature Ability, Silent Kill has the versatility to handle common defensive teams such as Blue Screen with Frost Armor and Dread Locks with Last Words just by simply playing normally and chaining combos.


  • This variant is a reference to the Nurse, a recurring type of monster from the Silent Hill series.
  • The name of this variant's Signature Ability references the Fog World that plays an integral part in the Silent Hill series.
  • This variant's pose is taken from Valentine's special move: VIAL HAZARD: TYPE A.
Change Log
2.0.1 Update
  • SA1 (OLD): 10/15/20% chance on HIT to remove all DEBUFFS from self.
    • SA1 (NEW): 15/20/25% chance on HIT to remove all DEBUFFS from self.
  • SA2 (OLD): 10/15/20% chance on HIT to remove all BUFFS from opponent.
    • SA2 (NEW): 15/20/25% chance on HIT to remove all BUFFS from opponent.
1.3.0 Update
  • SA1 (OLD): 5/10/15% chance on HIT to remove all DEBUFFS from self.
    • SA1 (NEW): 10/15/20% chance on HIT to remove all DEBUFFS from self.
  • SA2 (OLD): 5/10/15% chance on HIT to remove all BUFFS from opponent.
    • SA2 (NEW): 10/15/20% chance on HIT to remove all BUFFS from opponent.

