Shear Force is an Air, Diamond Filia variant.
Signature Ability 1 |
When either Fighter suffers a DEBUFF, gain 10% BLOCKBUSTER METER and gain BLESSING or AUTO-BLOCK for 10/12/15 seconds each. |
When using a BLOCKBUSTER, inflict QUIETUS for 15 seconds and deal 15/20/25% bonus damage per BUFF applied to Filia. Also opponents defeated by BLOCKBUSTERS cannot be revived. |
Tips and Tricks[]
Role & Strategy[]
Stat Investment[]
- General Investment: As an offensive Filia, Shear Force is best built with Attack, Piercing and Special Cooldown.
- Special investment: Accuracy will ensure that her DEBUFFS will not be resisted by enemies.
- This variant's color palette is a reference to Izuku Midoriya from My Hero Academia, with the caption referencing a direct quote from the character.
- This variant has unique visual flairs in combat. Upon activating a Blockbuster, Filia flashes with bright green electrical currents before she and Samson are covered in red vein-like markings. The veins disappear and another green flash occurs when the Blockbuster is finished. This is a direct reference to Full Cowl, Izuku's Ultimate Move.