SkullgirlsMobile Wiki

Reimaged is a Water, Diamond Robo-Fortune variant.

Signature Ability 1
The 1st COMBO HIT landed on Robo-Fortune converts 1 opponent BUFF into a random DEBUFF and grants ARMOR for 5/7/10 seconds each.
Signature Ability 2
When defeated or DETONATING, reduce the opponent's BLOCKBUSTER METER by 100%. Also once per match, RESURRECT with 15/20/25% HEALTH and gain permanent REGEN and ENRAGE.

Tips and Tricks[]

Role & Strategy[]

  • Reimaged is a defensive fighter who excels at turning enemy buffs into disadvantages and gaining defensive buffs in the process. Upon being defeated or detonating, she significantly hinders the opponent by draining their blockbuster meter and can resurrect once per match with a health boost and powerful, permanent buffs, making her a persistent threat.
  • When playing against Reimaged, it is recommended to use characters with long-chain combos such as Squigly or Valentine to avoid her first Signature Ability from activating multiple times. Furthermore, variants with access to CURSE like Dark Horse and Purrfect Dark or HEX like Heartless are recommended to remove the BUFFS that she can gain from her abilities.
  • Detonation is triggered when using CIRCUIT BREAKER. Hence, it is recommended to equip this move when placing Reimaged in defense to activate her second Signature Ability. Reduction of opponent's meter is useful to prevent the player from gaining the blockbuster finish points after her resurrection. To overcome this ability, bring variants that can gain meter easily such as Heavy Reign or have access to HASTE such as Snake Bite or Dark Horse.
  • Marquee Ability: As a defensive variant, DDOS is the recommended ability for Reimaged which allows her to inflict POWER SURGE to opponents, reducing their HP when they use a blockbuster.
  • Stat Investment: Like most defensive fighters, Reimaged will greatly benefit from investment in HP and Defense to significantly bolster her defensive capabilities. Meter Gain is also recommended to quickly charge blockbusters to punish opponents with an unblockable Tier 3 blockbuster.


