SkullgirlsMobile Wiki

Purrfect Dark is a Dark, Silver Ms. Fortune variant.

Signature Ability 1
After 15/12/10 seconds of facing Ms Fortune, the opponent suffers DEATH MARK and CURSE.
Signature Ability 2
HEAD HITS have a 10% chance to instantly defeat enemies if they are suffering from DEATH MARK and are below 25/35/50% HEALTH.

Tips and Tricks[]

Role & Strategy[]

  • Purrfect Dark is an offensive fighter with a Signature Ability that allows her to inflict timeless DEATH MARK and CURSE, two powerful DEBUFFS that increases her damage output when landing critical hits while preventing any defensive BUFFS from activating. Furthermore, Purrfect Dark has a very high base ATK stat for a Silver variant and a second Signature Ability that relies on players to utilize her headless mode for a chance to instantly defeat opponents. This combination of abilities makes Purrfect Dark an excellent offensive fighter to use for beginners due to easy access to CURSE, while greatly rewarding those who can master the headless mode of Ms. Fortune.
    • It is important to note that the DEBUFFS that Purrfect Dark inflicts are not permanent but timeless. Hence, these DEBUFFS can still be removed via TAG OUT or through Signature Abilities of fighters such as Silent Kill.
  • For those who are not proficient with Ms. Fortune's headless mode, relying on Purrfect Dark's CURSE and DEATH MARK along with her high base ATK stat can be enough to deal with tough defenders such as Heavy Metal.
    • Purrfect Dark is particularly effective against defenders that rely on BUFFS such as Resonant Evil, Armed Forces, and Blue Screen due to CURSE nullifying a huge part of their Signature Abilities.
  • During headless mode, using blockbusters and special moves such as CAT SCRATCH FEVER, HIT PAWS, and FIBER UPPER near your head can make the head hit the opponent many times to have a higher chance of activating her second Signature Ability.
    • Head combos are very beneficial to learn and can trap opponents in the corner by using your head to repeatedly punish them. Do be wary of your head as opponents can inflict damage through the head too, although it will never cause death.
    • It is important to note that Purrfect Dark's second Signature Ability will not activate if the head hits are blocked by the opponent.
  • Marquee Ability: The recommended Marquee Ability for Purrfect Dark is BOOP to gain stacks of ENRAGE and further increase her damage output.

Stat Investment[]

  • General Investment: As an offensive Ms. Fortune, Purrfect Dark is best built with Attack, Piercing, Meter Gain and Special Cooldown.
  • Special investment: Crit Damage and Crit Rate will increase her overall damage by taking use of her DEATH MARK. And Accuracy will ensure that her DEBUFFS aren't resisted by the enemy, while also increasing the chances of her second Signature Ability activating.


  • This variant's color palette is a reference to Fran from Final Fantasy XII.
  • This variant's caption is a direct quote from The Office while also referencing the fact that Ms. Fortune is covered in stitches (which sounds similar to stitious).

