Phantom Threads is a Light, Gold Fukua variant.
Signature Ability 1 |
When the opponent is KNOCKED DOWN, Fukua gains BLESSING for 10/15/20 seconds and removes 1 opponents BUFF. |
When using a BLOCKBUSTER, remove all BLESSINGS and gain ENRAGE for 10 seconds and heal for 5/7/10% HEALTH per BLESSING removed. |
Tips and Tricks[]
Role & Strategy[]
- Phantom Threads is an offensive fighter with a Signature Ability that grants her a stack of BLESSING while also removing a BUFF from the opponent when they are knocked down. Furthermore, a single use of a blockbuster will immediately remove all BLESSINGS to gain ENRAGE and regain some health per stacks of BLESSINGS removed. This combination of abilities makes Phantom Threads a very strong offensive fighter with access to BUFF removal, health regeneration, revival and increased damage output.
- The ability to remove BUFFS makes Phantom Threads a very strong counter to BUFF-heavy fighters like Heavy Metal, Meow & Furever, and Corrosive Agent.
- Phantom Threads is a very straightforward fighter, as knocking down the opponent is easy to do with a simple combo. Hence, players will find themselves stacking multiple stacks of BLESSINGS with ease throughout the duration of the fight, which can be converted into stacks of ENRAGE for high damage output.
- Marquee Ability: Both of Fukua's Marquee Abilities only activates when a certain percentage of health is lost, which is unfavorable when used offensively. Players who are proficient at Fukua will have ways to minimize damage as much as possible and avoid getting hit. Given the ease to get stacks of BLESSINGS for revival, SPECTRAL SPITE is recommended for Phantom Threads to increase her damage output at low health.
- Due to the nature of her Signature Ability, Phantom Threads can be built as a Critless Variant.
Stat Investment[]
- General Investment: As an offensive Fukua, Phantom Threads is best built with Attack, Piercing, Meter Gain and Special Cooldown.
- Special investment: Crit Rate and Crit Damage will allow her to deal more damage when using moves like LOBS OF LOVE or TWICE SHY.
- This variant is a reference to Ann Takamaki from Persona 5, the sixth installment from the Persona series, with its caption being a direct quote from the character.