SkullgirlsMobile Wiki

How to get EXP[]

  • There are four ways to get EXP: Stories (or Dailies if you want moves as well as EXP), Prize Fights, XP treats, and power up sacrificing.
  • It is not recommended to use Power Up. Fighters are much more costly to obtain than a bit of EXP. Each fighter costs 100 Theonite, and they can be leveled for Skill Points which are valuable in powering up your main fighters.
  • As you get more comfortable fighting out of your FS, getting EXP will be easier. The stronger your opponents are the more EXP you'll be able to get from them.
  • Repeating story missions will now grant EXP, so when you are stuck, try to find one you can longshot easily and play that one when you want to get levels.
  • The Holodeck Hazard Daily event grants a large amount of EXP, but at the cost of daily tickets which can be used to gain Gold, Moves, and shards in character specific daily events. Due to this it is recommended to enter holodeck hazards sparingly.
  • Repeating dailies will not grant bonus EXP, so unless you want to try to get a move, your time is usually better spent elsewhere.
  • EXP boosters and XP Treats can be obtained from gifts, so try to make friends and exchange gifts with them as often as you can.

What to do with fighters[]

  • Favorite at least one of each variant whenever you get them. While duplicates are not likely to be invested in early on, making sure you keep one of everything around will help in the long run when you better understand what is and is not good, and you never know if you need a specific fighter for a story node.
  • If you want to see who's the best fighter, check out the frequently updated Tier List and see who in your collection people consider the strongest.
  • Even a bad Diamond, Gold, and Silver is worth using early on. Each level will raise their stats higher than a lower rarity fighter, and some nodes will require you to have specific rarities.
  • Diamonds can carry with their natural stats, but do not pour invest in them too much early on. You can upgrade several fighters of lower rarities for the same cost and get more use out of them. Several story missions lock you to rarity as well, so this is important to do.
  • Feel free to use your favorites, even if they are not top tier. The entire story can be beaten with any character so long as you build them and play well.
  • Keep at least one strong Bronze and Silver around for story nodes that limit you to certain rarities.
  • While the ideal order to upgrade fighters varies by fighter, a popular order is Signature Ability, Moves, Attack, Defense, and Energy. To simply see if you enjoy how a fighter plays, just unlock the beginning of their Signature Ability.

What to do with moves[]

  • Get moves to level 3 to unlock their effect. Moves that inflict BLEED are excellent to have early on, as BLEED deals a % of the opponent's HP which lets you fight out of your range if you can defend well.
  • When you have multiple moves, check the stats to see which is the best to upgrade. ATK, Meter Gain, Defense, and HP% are safe stats to have in a move, with other stats varying based on what variant you use.
  • Leveling moves past 3 usually isn't worth it unless the stats are very good. The coin cost goes up drastically, and it can get too expensive for the benefit for only one fighter.

How to earn and spend Coins and Theonite[]

  • There is a variety of ways to earn Theonite, including Stories, Prize Fights, and Missions that refresh daily.
  • Don't be afraid to try advanced and expert stories. Many of them are easier than the later basic stories, and they give a decent chunk of Theonite and coins.
  • After defeating all the battles in a story, you gain access to special Match Challenges, which reward you with additional coins an Theonite. These rewards can be obtained by completing the battle in a set time limit, without getting hit, and a special challenge specific to that part of the story.
  • From Monday-Wednesday and Thursday-Saturday, you will see two Prize Fights that feature a specific character with four rarities, ranging from Bronze tier to Diamond tier. Look at the modifiers and conditions for these PFs, and use these to get some extra coins and Theo as well as EXP. The Rewards increase with the tier of the prize fight, but so does the threshold to obtain them. Make sure you are prepared before entering the higher tier prize fights.
  • On Weekends, you will see up to two unique Prize Fights, Show Me Your Moves!(which happens every other week) and one that cycles between different elements. Neither of these are amazing early on, but Show Me Your Moves! can give you access to a few extra moves, coins, and retakes. It is less reliable than dailies for collecting moves and coins, but retakes are valuable for crafting and fixing strong moves later on.
  • Also, look out for Medici Prize Fights. They are, by far, the best way to gain coins in the game. Lasting two days, Medici Prize fights start on Wednesday every week.
  • Parallel Realms is a mode that gives you coins and XP Treats for beating each fight, they refresh every three days and also give some relics/shards for completing bosses of the 3 areas present in each Parallel Realm.
  • Gold is best spent leveling up the skill trees of fighters you use, and leveling up moves which increases their damage and effect, along with their stats.
  • Theonite is recommended to be saved for Discounted Hyper Packs which appear at specific milestones for new players. When a player reaches level 60, 70, and clears accursed experiments for the first time, they will receive the hyper pack offer in the store. These cost 5,000 Theonite and give you a 10+1 relic of EVERY character, making them the best deal currently in the game.
  • After all the discounted milestone Hyper packs have passed you can use Theonite more freely, saving for character or variant specific relic offers, the occasional undiscounted Hyper Pack offers which cost 10,000 Theonite, or trading it in for canopy coins in the store. A discounted hyper pack will also appear every Christmas.

What's an MA? How do you unlock Marquee Abilities?[]

  • MAs or Marquee Abilities are powerful traits that you can use to customize your fighter.
  • To unlock them, simply unlock the ENTIRE skill tree of a fighter. You will then be able to choose 2 powerful traits and unlock one if you have enough coins and skill points.
  • You can always choose to swap your Marquee Abilities if you have enough skill points.

Where can I see a list of modifiers in the game?[]

  • Modifiers are BUFF and DEBUFFS that adds complexity and dynamic in a fight. They are often an integral part of a fighter's Signature or Marquee Ability. A list of modifiers in the game can be found here.
  • Fight Modifiers are special features that have a impact on the course of a fight. They may benefit either, your team or the opponent's, or both. They are present in almost all Daily Events, Prize Fights and Origin Stories.

What is Rift?[]

  • Rift Battles is a competitive game mode where players fight each other's base with powerful fight modifiers that can be supplemented with Catalysts for building impenetrable defenses. Although it is a competitive game mode, new players are highly encouraged to start playing Rifts early not to play competitively but to reap the weekly rewards that are given for playing a minimum of five times in a week. These rewards contain highly valuable resources that will help new players to improve and build their roster fast.

Guide by Yujipooji[]

Guide by Kevin Pepino[]
