Mummy Dearest is a Light, Diamond Eliza variant.
Tips and Tricks[]
Role & Strategy[]
- Mummy Dearest is a fighter with a Signature Ability that allows her to charge blockbusters faster by using special moves, although it comes with a sacrifice of some of her HP, which is regained back over time through HEAVY REGEN. This allows her to spam blockbusters very easily, which helps her trigger her second Ability, giving her IMMUNITY and a stack of BLESSING every time she enters SEKHMET mode. This make Mummy Dearest a highly tanky variant with easy access to her Blockbusters.
- As the AI often uses special moves, Mummy Dearest can be a dangerous defender that should not be underestimated, as she can punish you with an unblockable Tier 3 blockbuster if left unchecked, which will also activate her second Signature Ability.
- Mummy Dearest can be paired with Evergreen Evil to increase the duration of Mummy's BUFFS, while also allowing Evergreen to gain meter from the bench.
- Mummy Dearest's biggest strength is her utility and access to BUFFS such as BLESSINGS and IMMUNITY, which makes her immune to detrimental DEBUFFS from modifiers while active. In conjunction with Eliza's wide tools such as buff removal from CHAOS BANISH, a command grab in WEIGHT OF ANUBIS and STUNS from UPPER KHAT, Mummy Dearest can be a strong offensive fighter in a lot of situations. Mummy Dearest may not have the highest damage output, but her tools and access to SEKHMET loops allows proficient players to navigate through fights against tougher defenders easily, although it may take time to finish off her opponents.
- Marquee Ability: Either Marquee Ability works on Mummy Dearest. However, as she can gain healing and meter easily on her own, she gains less from it compared to other Eliza variants.
- Stat Investment: When using her defensively, Mummy Dearest will benefit from investment in HP and Defense to increase her survivability. Resistance is also a useful stat to build in order to prevent players from inflicting CURSE and HEX, which would reduce her effectiveness in battle. ATK may also be beneficial to ensure that the use of an unblockable Tier 3 blockbuster can secure a kill. When using her offensively, Mummy Dearest will greatly benefit from investment in ATK and Piercing to boost her damage output and make up for her average base ATK. Meter Gain is not a priority as she can get meter easily through the use of special moves.
- This variant is a reference to Ragyō Kiryūin, from the Kill La Kill anime series with its caption being a direct quote from Nui Harime's reply to Ragyō Kiryūin.
- The caption translates to 'life is funny' in English.
- This variant's name refers to Ragyō Kiryūin as a mother while also referencing the film Mommie Dearest (1981) that tells the story of an abusive and manipulative mother who hurt her adopted children
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