Ms. Trial is an Air, Silver Ms. Fortune variant.
Signature Ability 1 |
When HITTING a DASHING opponent, remove 1 of the opponent's BUFFS and gain 3/4/5 stacks of PRECISION. |
PRECISION HITS have a 50/75/100% chance to ignore the opponent's DEFENSE and ARMOR. |
Tips and Tricks[]
Role & Strategy[]
- Ms. Trial is an offensive fighter with a Signature Ability that allows her to remove opponent's BUFFS while gaining stacks of PRECISION. Furthermore, PRECISION hits does not trigger the opponent's Signature Ability, and with her SA, precision also ignores the opponent's defense and ARMOR, allowing her to deal massive amount of damage to the toughest defenders. However, the condition to her Signature Ability enforces the player to intercept (hitting a dashing opponent) instead of simply blocking. Hence, there is a level of skill required to use her effectively, but in her full potential, Ms. Trial can be a great offensive fighter for massive burst damage and BUFF removal.
- Careful enemy selection may come in handy when playing Ms. Trial, as some characters are easier to intercept than others. Using her against opponents with a very quick dash such as Beowulf and Painwheel can make triggering her Signature Ability difficult.
- Ms. Trial can also hit a dashing opponent with her detached head in headless mode.
- For those who may be less proficient in using Ms. Fortune, NYAAAWN is a TAUNT that can grant three stacks of PRECISION to make use of her second Signature Ability. Fighters like Pickle Baller that can provide PRECISION while still being in the bench can also help make Ms. Trial newbie friendly
- Furthermore, equip low hit count moves and blockbusters such as EL GATO, CAT SLIDE, CAT SCRATCH and FIFTH OF DISMEMBER to make use of PRECISION and deal the most damage.
- Marquee Ability: The recommended Marquee Ability for Ms. Trial is BOOP to gain stacks of ENRAGE and further increase her damage output.
Stat Investment[]
- General Investment: As an offensive Ms. Fortune, Ms. Trial is best built with Attack, Piercing, Meter Gain and Special Cooldown.
- Special investment: Crit Damage will increase Ms. Trial overall damage by taking use of her PRECISION.
- This variant is a reference to She-Hulk from the Marvel Comics, with its caption being a direct quote from the character during her intro in Marvel vs Capcom 3.
- Her name is a reference to She-Hulk being a lawyer.
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