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SkullgirlsMobile Wiki

Last Hope is a Light, Gold Valentine variant.


Signature Ability 1
Once per match while Valentine is alive, teammates gain HEAVY REGEN for 5/7/10 seconds when dropping below 25% health.

Signature Ability 2
Once per match when defeated, RESURRECT with 15/25/50% HEALTH.

Tips and Tricks[]

Role & Strategy[]

  • Last Hope is a defensive support fighter with a Signature Ability that allows her to resurrect when defeated while also granting teammates HEAVY REGEN when their health is low. With a naturally high HP stat, Last Hope is a formidable defender that relies primarily on her health and regenerative abilities to stall for time.
  • Since Last Hope has no other defensive capabilities aside from her resurrection and once per match HEAVY REGEN, she will rely on external sources to provide BUFFS that can make her a potent staller for time.
  • Marquee Ability: ICU is the recommended Marquee Ability for Last Hope, providing her an alternative way to gain HEAVY REGEN without relying on her first Signature Ability. This allows her to be a better defensive wall that cannot be worn down by BLEED effects.
  • Stat Investment: As a defensive support fighter, Last Hope will benefit from investment in HP and Defense to increase her defensive capabilities. Meter Gain is also recommended to quickly charge blockbusters for an unblockable Tier 3 blockbuster or FORBIDDEN PROCEDURE to resurrect fallen teammates.

Rift Battles[]

  • Last Words and Autoimmune are two catalysts that works very well with Last Hope to provide resistance to DEBUFFS and stalling for time through FINAL STAND. When paired along with Kill Joy and Assassin's Greed, opponent's will be forced to rely on raw power to deal with a team of triple light Valentine node that excels at stalling for time.


  • This variant's color palette is a reference to Christine (aka Christmas), Valentine's platoon leader and longtime friend who died in the hands of the Skullgirl.