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Ivy League is an Air, Silver Parasoul variant.

Ivy League is also available as a Prize Fight reward in the Silver Tier of the Dame of Thrones Prize Fight.


Signature Ability 1
Inflict SLOW for 5/7/10 seconds when spawning a TEAR.

Signature Ability 2
On TEAR DETONATION, inflicts WITHER for 5/7/10 seconds per active TEAR.

Tips and Tricks[]

Role & Strategy[]

  • Ivy League is an offensive fighter with a Signature Ability that excels at meter control. Spawning TEARS will inflict SLOW, decreasing the rate at which opponents gain meter, while detonating them inflicts WITHER, depleting their Blockbusters over time. The combination of the two makes Ivy League a very good pick for fights where Blockbusters can cause trouble.
    • While spawning TEARS is very easy to do, detonating them can be a conundrum, as Parasoul prefers to keep them around for her Marquee Ability.
  • Parasoul can easily spawn TEARS without equipping any TEAR-spawning moves through normal gameplay. Furthermore, two stacks of SLOW is often more than enough to prevent the opponent's blockbuster meter from charging fully. To activate WITHER, NAPALM TRIGGER is a very good choice to detonate TEARS faster than her charge attack.
  • Marquee Ability: As Ivy League as a variant lacks in the offensive department, CRITICAL MASS is considered the better pick. As she'll spawn plenty of TEARS on the field during normal gameplay, having CRITICAL MASS will increase her crit damage considerably.
  • Stat Investment: Ivy League will benefit from investment in ATK and Piercing to increase her damage output given her mediocre ATK stat. Depending on the Marquee Ability that is chosen, Ivy League will also benefit from investment in Crit Rate (for CRITICAL MASS) and Crit Damage (for CRITICAL THINKING).


  • This variant is a reference to Poison Ivy, a supervillain from the Batman series by DC Comics.
Change Log
2.5 Update
  • SA2 (OLD): On TEAR DETONATION, drain 20% of the opponent's METER per active TEAR.
    • SA2 (NEW): On TEAR DETONATION, inflicts WITHER for 5/7/10 seconds per active TEAR.