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Headstrong is a Light, Bronze Cerebella variant.


Signature Ability 1
THROWS have a 50% chance to inflict CRIPPLE for 4/5/7 seconds.

Signature Ability 2
Also inflict ARMOR BREAK for 4/5/7 seconds.

Tips and Tricks[]

Role & Strategy[]

  • Headstrong is an offensive fighter with a Signature Ability that revolves around inflicting DEBUFFS upon THROWING an enemy. These two DEBUFFS make her hit harder while also giving her slightly more survivability.
    • CRIPPLE removes ENRAGE and reduces damage inflicted by 20%.
    • ARMOR BREAK removes ARMOR and increases damage taken by 20%.
  • While her abilities make her a decent Bronze option for offense in general, Headstrong is often used as a natural counter against opponents that rely on ARMOR and ENRAGE such as Resonant Evil, Understudy and any Painwheel with the GRUDGE Marquee Ability.
    • Cerebella's moveset has plenty of THROWS to work with, making it very easy to make use of Headstrong's abilities. Her decently high ATK stat for a Bronze also makes her less reliant on THROWS than her Bronze counterpart Understudy, allowing her to equip moves that fit the situation more without suffering much.
  • As Headstrong relies on DEBUFFS in order to work at her full potential, IMMUNITY can be a pain for her, as it'll prevent her from applying said DEBUFFS.
  • Marquee Ability: Either Marquee Abilities will work with Headstrong. UPPER HAND is generally the superior Marquee Ability as it allows any Cerebella to act as a meter control variant to prevent opponents from using blockbusters to punish. Meanwhile, RING LEADER will trap opponents and prevent them from escaping via TAG OUTS while also disabling their special moves which may be useful in some niche situations.
  • Stat Investment: Headstrong will benefit from investment in ATK, Piercing and Meter Gain to increase her damage output while charging blockbuster faster.


  • This variant is based off Cerebella's bunny suit that is seen at the end of her Arcade Mode in Skullgirls 2nd Encore, as well as in some official artworks.
Change Log
2.0.1 Update
  • SA1 (OLD): THROWS have a 50% chance to inflict CRIPPLE for 3/5/7 seconds.
    • SA1 (NEW): THROWS have a 50% chance to inflict CRIPPLE for 4/5/7 seconds.
  • SA2 (OLD): Also inflict ARMOR BREAK for 3/5/7 seconds.
    • SA2 (NEW): Also inflict ARMOR BREAK for 4/5/7 seconds.