SkullgirlsMobile Wiki

Hack N' Splash is a Water, Gold Ms. Fortune variant.

Signature Ability 1
A well-timed BLOCK against standard attacks grants 3/4/5 stacks of PRECISION and inflicts CRIPPLE and ARMOR BREAK for 10 seconds.
Signature Ability 2
Landing CRITICAL HITS with Ms. Fortune's HEAD deal an additional 1/2/3% of the opponent's MAX HEALTH if they are inflicted with CRIPPLE.

Tips and Tricks[]

Role & Strategy[]

  • Hack n' Splash is an offensive fighter with a Signature Ability that can inflict ARMOR BREAK and CRIPPLE while gaining stacks of PRECISION, which allows her to deal additional damage based on max health with her head. Since Ms. Fortune has no other ways to inflict CRIPPLE, Hack n' Splash will have to rely on her first Signature Ability to trigger her second Signature Ability, which utilizes Ms. Fortune's headless mode. Hence, Hack n' Splash is a technically complex fighter that requires precise timing in blocking and mastery over headless mode to be used effectively. When used correctly, Hack n' Splash can deal a significant amount of damage to wear down the toughest defenders.
    • It should also be mentioned % damage is very effective against opponents with a high HP stat as it disregards how much HP the opponent has.
  • CRIPPLE will only last for 10 seconds, which is quite a small window to activate her second Signature Ability. Hence, it is recommended to learn combos which incorporates the transition to headless mode as this will naturally get her head out in the middle of a combo, allowing you to make the most out of that 10 seconds.
    • Regally Blonde has the ability to place a timeless CRIPPLE on the opponent, meaning that she can be used as Hack n' Splash's teammate.
  • Marquee Ability: The recommended Marquee Ability for Hack n' Splash is BOOP to gain stacks of ENRAGE and further increase her damage output.

Stat Investment[]

  • General Investment: As an offensive Ms. Fortune, Hack N' Splash is best built with Attack, Piercing, Meter Gain and Special Cooldown.
  • Special investment: Crit Damage and Crit Rate will increase the chances of her Signature ability activating and increase her overall damage by taking use of her PRECISION. Accuracy will also ensure that her DEBUFFS aren't resisted by defenders.


  • This variant's color palette is based off a PlayStation 3 console.
  • This variant's name is a nod to the "Hack n' Slash" genre.
Change Log
3.4.2 Update
  • SA1 (Old): A well-timed BLOCK against standard attacks inflicts CRIPPLE and ARMOR BREAK for 10/12/15 seconds.
    • SA1 (New): A well-timed BLOCK against standard attacks grants 3/4/5 stacks of PRECISION and inflicts CRIPPLE and ARMOR BREAK for 10 seconds.
  • SA2 (Old): Landing CRITICAL HITS with Ms. Fortune's HEAD will remove 1 opponent DEBUFF, dealing an additional 1/2/3% of the opponent's MAX HEALTH for each DEBUFF removed.
    • SA2 (New): Landing CRITICAL HITS with Ms. Fortune's HEAD deal an additional 1/2/3% of the opponent's MAX HEALTH if they are inflicted with CRIPPLE.