SkullgirlsMobile Wiki

Freeze Frame is a Water, Diamond Peacock variant.

Signature Ability 1
Projectiles have a 25/35/50% chance on HIT to inflict SLOW and WITHER for 15 seconds. Both effects are removed if the opponent uses a BLOCKBUSTER.
Signature Ability 2
When SLOW or WITHER expires, the opponent suffers damage equal to 25/35/50% of Peacock's ATTACK and is STUNNED for 3 seconds.

Tips and Tricks[]

Role & Strategy[]

  • Freeze Frame is an offensive fighter with a Signature Ability that can inflict SLOW and WITHER for meter control, preventing the opponent from using their blockbusters. Her meter control is complimented by her second Signature Ability which stuns the opponent and deals damage equivalent to half her own ATK stat, allowing Freeze Frame a window to attack and deal massive damage.
  • Both SLOW and WITHER can stack, meaning that using projectile-based special moves and blockbusters that are multi-hit can trigger Freeze Frame's first Signature Ability multiple times, making the opponent's Blockbusters practically unusable. For each stack that expires, Freeze Frame's second Signature Ability will deal damage, allowing her to potentially dish out massive damage to opponents within a short duration of time, further complemented by her good base ATK stat.
    • It is thus recommended to equip moves such as BANG, BANG, BANG!, ARGUS AGONY, and DEADLY AIRPORT which are projectile-based moves that deal multiple hits to inflict multiple stacks of SLOW and WITHER.
  • Freeze Frame can still inflict damage through her second Signature Ability even if she's not in the field, assuming that the opponent does not TAG OUT or remove the SLOW and WITHER via their own abilities. Players can use variants with HEX and/or DISABLE TAG-INS such as Red Velvet and No Egrets to ensure the opponent remains in the field and gets damaged.
  • Marquee Ability: SPECIAL FEATURE is the recommended Marquee Ability for Freeze Frame as it provides the chance to reset the cooldown for her special moves which are mostly projectiles and reuse them almost immediately.
  • Stat Investment: Like any other offensive Peacocks, Freeze Frame will benefit from investment in ATK, Piercing and Meter Gain to increase her damage output while charging blockbusters faster. ATK is definitely a high priority stat to invest in as it also directly affects her second Signature Ability.


  • This variant's color palette is a reference to Cirno from the Touhou Project video game series with its caption being a direct quote from the character in Touhou 9: Phantasmagoria of Flower View.

