SkullgirlsMobile Wiki

Foot Soldier is a Dark, Diamond Ms. Fortune variant.

Signature Ability 1
HEAD HITS have a 50/75/100% chance to grant DEADEYE and 1 random BUFF for 7 seconds each. Also remove 1 DEBUFF from self.
Signature Ability 2
Deal 5/7/10% bonus damage for each BUFF applied to either Fighter, up to a 100% bonus.

Tips and Tricks[]

Role & Strategy[]

  • Foot Soldier is an offensive fighter that takes advantage of HEAD HITS to gain DEADEYE and a random BUFF while removing a DEBUFF from herself. Furthermore, her damage output gets stronger for every BUFF on either Fighter, making her a powerful offensive fighter against BUFF heavy defenders.
    • DEADEYE ignores the opponent's DEFENSE and BUFFS such as AUTO-BLOCK, UNFLINCHING, EVASION and THORNS.
  • Foot Soldier primarily requires mastery over Ms. Fortune's headless mode to fully make use of her abilities. DEADEYE is unique among other Ms. Fortune's and the ability to cleanse herself of DEBUFFS allows Foot Soldier to counter defensive strategies involving DEBUFFS such as Unholy Host.
  • The BUFF that Foot Soldier gains from her first Signature Ability is rather short. Foot Soldier can be paired with support variants that grant longer BUFF duration such as Surgeon General, Sketchy and Starlight Rose to increase her damage output reliably from her second Signature Ability.
  • Marquee Ability: The recommended Marquee Ability for Foot Soldier is BOOP to gain stacks of ENRAGE and further increase her damage output.

Stat Investment[]

  • General Investment: As an offensive Ms. Fortune, Foot Soldier is best built with Attack, Meter Gain and Special Cooldown.
  • Special investment: Crit Damage and Crit Rate will further increase her damage. Players should ignore investing in Piercing due to her access to DEADEYE and ARMOR BREAK through Ms. Fortune kit.


  • This variant's color palette is a reference to Juri Han from the Street Fighter series (Specifically, her Street Fighter 6 appearance), with the caption being an unused quote from the character.
  • This variant has unique visual flairs in combat. In this case, BLOCKBUSTER usage will cause her eye to flash pink for a split second.

