SkullgirlsMobile Wiki

Firefly is a Fire, Gold Painwheel variant.

Signature Ability 1
When blocking while below 50% HEALTH, gain 5/6/8% HEALTH per second.
Signature Ability 2
Also gain 5/6/8% BLOCKBUSTER METER per second.

Tips and Tricks[]

Role & Strategy[]

  • Firefly is a defensive fighter with a Signature Ability that grants her health and meter while blocking when her health is below 50%, granting her more survivability in the fight. Firefly's Signature Ability relies completely on the AI behavior to block for increased survivability. Hence, players facing Firefly will have to be familiar with how the AI behaves in order to minimize mindless attacks that are only going to be blocked.
  • Characters with THROW-based special moves that bypass blocking, such as Cerebella and Beowulf can be useful to use to prevent Firefly from blocking too much.
  • Marquee Ability: As Firefly has no other defensive abilities, TAINTED BLOOD is the recommended Marquee Ability to reflect some damage taken, which she can easily recover back via her Signature Ability.

Stat Investment[]

  • General Investment: As a defensive Painwheel, Fire Fly is best built with HP, Defense, Meter Gain and Resistance.
  • Special investment: No Special Investment is needed for this variant.


  • This variant's name is a reference to Firefly, an American space Western drama television series, with its caption being a lyric to the show's theme song The Ballad of Serenity.
Change Log
2.0.1 Update
  • SA1 (OLD): When blocking while below 50% HEALTH, gain 3/5/8% HEALTH per second.
    • SA1 (NEW): When blocking while below 50% HEALTH, gain 5/6/8% HEALTH per second.
  • SA2 (OLD): Also gain 3/5/8% BLOCKBUSTER METER per second.
    • SA2 (NEW): Also gain 5/6/8% BLOCKBUSTER METER per second.