SkullgirlsMobile Wiki

Epic Sax is a Light, Gold Big Band variant.

Epic Sax is also available as a Prize Fight reward in the Gold Tier and Diamond Tier of the Big Ben's Beatdown Prize Fight.

Signature Ability 1
Gain 1/2/3% damage bonus per COMBO HIT, up to 200%.
Signature Ability 2
Gain a random BUFF for every 20/15/10 COMBO HITS.

Tips and Tricks[]

Role & Strategy[]

  • Epic Sax is an offensive fighter with a Signature Ability that grants bonus damage and BUFFS depending on the number of COMBO HITS. Players will have to learn how to chain Big Band's moves and Blockbusters to maximize Epic Sax's offensive capabilities.
  • Big Band has a wide array of moves that can easily chain together while the opponent is in the air. A simple combo includes CYMBAL CLASH -> BEAT EXTEND -> SUPER-SONIC JAZZ.
    • BEAT EXTEND is highly recommended to use as it deals a lot of COMBO HITS and chains easily with other blockbusters. TYMPANI DRIVE is harder to chain, but also has a lot of hits and deals a big amount of damage.
  • Most BUFFS that are available are defensive buffs which does not help Epic Sax's offensive output, unless ENRAGE is obtained. However, it allows Epic Sax to recoup lost health (via REGEN or MIASMA), be immune to DEBUFFS (via IMMUNITY), or possibly be INVINCIBLE.
  • Marquee Ability: As an offensive variant, Epic Sax will benefit from SOLOIST as his Marquee Ability. This compliments with Big Band's Prestige Ability that provides UNBLOCKABLE dash attacks while also supplementing HEAVY REGEN as a form of recovery.

Stat Investment[]

  • General Investment: As an offensive Big Band, Epic Sax is best built with Attack, Piercing and Special Cooldown.
  • Special investment: Players can build Crit Rate and Crit Damage to further increase his damage output. Meter Gain is also recommended so that Epic Sax can do more combos.


  • This variant is a reference to Carl Kolchak from the American Television show, Kolchak: The Night Stalker.
  • This variant's pose is taken from Big Band's victory pose after winning a fight.
  • Epic Sax 2nd Signature Ability is worded vaguely, and does not specify his the timer of his buffs. In game, they only last 5 Seconds.
Change Log
4.3.3 Update
  • SA1 (Old): Gain 1/2/3% damage bonus per COMBO HIT, up to 50%.
    • SA1 (New): Gain 1/2/3% damage bonus per COMBO HIT, up to 200%.
1.3.0 Update
  • SA1 (Old): Gain 2/4/6% damage bonus per COMBO HIT, up to 100%.
    • SA1 (New): Gain 1/2/3% damage bonus per COMBO HIT, up to 50%.