SkullgirlsMobile Wiki

Eager Deceiver is a Neutral, Diamond Umbrella variant.

Signature Ability 1
Well-timed BLOCKS have a 50/75/100% chance to grant 1 stack each of PRECISION, BARRIER and BLESSING.
Signature Ability 2
50% chance when using a BLOCKBUSTER while RAVENOUS to convert 1/2/3 BUFF(S) into permanent ENRAGE.

Tips and Tricks[]

Role & Strategy[]

  • Eager Deceiver is an offensive fighter that can reliably gain a stack of PRECISION, BARRIER and BLESSING each from well-timed blocks. This provides extra sustain for her, while giving access to PRECISION, guaranteeing critical hits and ignoring the opponent's defensive Signature Abilities. Furthermore, activating a blockbuster while RAVENOUS has a strong chance to convert BUFFS into permanent ENRAGE stacks, providing Eager Deceiver a significant boost in damage.
  • Eager Deceiver has the potential to deal massive amounts of damage, while having access to plenty of sustain from her BUFFS and Umbrella's health regeneration from her Prestige Ability, Marquee Ability and blockbusters such as FEEDING TIME and TONGUE TWISTER. This makes her a very strong fighter that can both take a hit and deal strong hits back.
    • Her second Signature Ability can convert three BUFFS into permanent ENRAGE, regardless of where the BUFFS originate. Thus, BUFFS gained from support variants such as Surgeon General or Sketchy can also be converted into permanent ENRAGE with the use of a blockbuster. Hence, players should pay attention to the HUNGER METER and use their blockbusters wisely to avoid needless conversion.
  • Given Umbrella's long combo chains and access to THROW-based blockbusters and moves, there are not a lot of moves that can reliably use the PRECISION stacks from her ability. SLURP 'N' SLIDE is the only notable one-hit special move that deals massive damage while also inflicting ARMOR BREAK for increased damage afterwards.
  • As Eager Deceiver needs to be RAVENOUS in order to be able to convert BUFFS into ENRAGE, she doesn't have as much use for THROW moves while not having 5 ENRAGE stacks. After the 5 ENRAGE stacks are reached however, there's more reason to use them.
  • Marquee Ability: Eager Deceiver will benefit from SWEET VICTORY as her Marquee Ability, further bolstering her damage output through ENRAGE stacks when she defeats an opponent, allowing her to easily snowball fights against incoming fighters. This will also give her a few more BUFFS to turn into permanent ENRAGES if she hasn't reached the cap yet.
  • Stat Investment: As an offensive fighter, Eager Deceiver will greatly benefit from investment in ATK, Piercing and Meter Gain to further bolster her damage output. Accuracy can boost her chance of converting buffs to ENRAGE, but isn't necessary due to the already high chance.


  • This variant's color palette is a reference to Neo AKA Neopolitan, a major antagonist from the web show RWBY, with its caption being a reference to the fact that the character is mute.

