SkullgirlsMobile Wiki

Don Passione is a Neutral, Diamond Eliza variant.

Signature Ability 1
When Eliza is about to suffer a DEBUFF, 50% chance to prevent it and inflict either BLEED, HEX or QUIETUS for 8/10/12 seconds.
Signature Ability 2
Gain permanent MIASMA for each DEBUFF an opponent has while exiting Sekhmet Mode (max 1/2/3 per exit). MIASMA is removed when the opponent is no longer suffering a DEBUFF.

Tips and Tricks[]

Role & Strategy[]

  • Don Passione is an offensive Eliza variant with access to permanent MIASMA, DEBUFF Prevention, HEX, BLEED and QUIETUS. She is the only Eliza with access to MIASMA and the only fighter with access to permanent MIASMA.
  • With her access to QUIETUS and HEX, she can easily counter fighters like Death Wish and Unholy Host, locking them out of their Signature Ability and ignoring the effects of BLESSING or FINAL STAND.
  • When built with 50% Accuracy, Don Passione has a 75% chance to prevent DEBUFFS. If Don Passione is benefiting from IMMUNITY, not only will she prevent the DEBUFFS, but she will also have a 50-75% chance to inflict HEX, BLEED, or QUIETUS.
  • Marquee Ability: Due to the nature of Eliza's Marquee Ability and the utility her kit provides, it is suggested that players build Don Passione as a Critless Variant.
    • If not built Critless, BLOOD OATH is the recommended Marquee Ability for Don Passione, as it lets her recover from mistakes.

Stat Investment[]

  • General Investment: As an offensive Eliza, Don Passione is best built with Attack, Accuracy, Piercing and Special Cooldown.
  • Special investment: It is recommended that players don't invest in Meter Gain, as Don Passione has access to MIASMA and thus Meter Gain.


  • This variant's color palette is a reference to Bruno Bucciarati from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, with the caption being a direct quote of the character.
  • This variant has unique visual flairs in combat. In this case, Eliza's start of round animations & usage of Sekhmet BLOCKBUSTERS feature a Menacing effect, and winning with Eliza as the active member displays an arrow with the phrase "To Be Continued" in the bottom left, both effects popularly associated and used within the series.

