Diva Intervention is a Light, Gold Eliza variant.
Diva Intervention is also available as a Prize Fight reward in the Gold Tier and Diamond Tier of the Blood Sport Prize Fight.
Signature Ability 1 |
25/35/50% of the damage inflicted by Sekhmet attacks is regained as HEALTH. |
Sekhmet attacks drain 4/6/8% of the opponent's BLOCKBUSTER METER. |
Tips and Tricks[]
Role & Strategy[]
- Diva Intervention is an offensive fighter with a Signature Ability that allows her attacks in Sekhmet Mode to drain the opponent's meter and regain health. Through her Sekhmet attacks, Diva Intervention can quickly build up blockbuster meter while reducing the opponent's, allowing her to control the opponent's blockbuster usage while making it very easy to spam blockbusters.
- SEKHMET'S BITE > CHARGE ATTACK is a simple but universal combo that easily depletes the meter from opponent Blockbusters while recovering at least a major part of all the player's Blockbusters, including SEKHMET'S BITE itself.
- Diva Intervention can be teamed with fighters like Noble Mogul and Starlight Rose to further increase her damage output.
- Marquee Ability: As an Eliza, Diva Intervention does not benefit much from her Marquee Ability. It is preferred that she is built critless to get the maximum use of her ability and Eliza kit. If not built critless, she benefits most from BLOOD OATH as she has a lot of meter gain in her Signature Ability already and BLOOD OATH provides a comfortable safety net.
- Due to the nature of Eliza's Marquee Ability and the utility her kit provides, it is suggested that players build Diva Intervention as a Critless Variant
- Prestige Ability: As an Eliza who spends most of her time on the field in Sekhmet Mode, she benefits a lot from her prestige ability. Although not reliable, FEAST AND FAMINE gives her an extra form of health regen and buff control while in Sekhmet Mode. Thus, it's suggested that players invest in her Prestige Ability.
Stat Investment[]
- General Investment: As an offensive Eliza, Diva Intervention is best built with Attack, Accuracy, Piercing and Special Cooldown.
- Special investment: Although investing in Meter Gain will seem redundant, having about 25% Meter Gain will allow Diva Intervention to get into a Sehkmet loop with a simple ground combo.
Rift Battles[]
- Diva Intervention is a great fighter to use against Painwheel nodes with Don't Poke the Buer catalyst.
- Without any investment in Crit Rate, Diva Intervention can deal multiple small hits that bypasses the Don't Poke the Buer catalyst through Sekhmet's CHARGE ATTACK.
- Furthermore, Diva Intervention can regain health back to overcome Painwheels with the TAINTED BLOOD Marquee Ability, while also having access to CHAOS BANISH that remove BUFFS to handle those with the GRUDGE Marquee Ability.
- Lastly, Diva Intervention can drain blockbuster meter to prevent fighters such as Neuromancer from punishing you with an unblockable Tier 3 blockbuster.
- This variant's color palette is a reference to Urien from the Street Fighter series.
- This variant's name is a play on the phrase "divine intervention" with the word 'diva' used to refer to Eliza's persona as a celebrity diva in New Meridian.
- This variant's pose is taken from Eliza's victory pose after winning a fight.