Deal Breaker is a Fire, Diamond Peacock variant.
Signature Ability 1 |
Grant IMMUNITY, HASTE, or ENRAGE for 10/12/15 seconds when either Fighter uses a BLOCKBUSTER. Also inflict GUARD BREAK and 2 random DEBUFFS for 10 seconds each. |
50% chance to grant UNFLINCHING, REGEN, or ENRAGE for 10/12/15 seconds when a BUFF or DEBUFF on the opponent expires. |
Tips and Tricks[]
Role & Strategy[]
- Deal Breaker is an offensive fighter that relies on blockbuster to gain various BUFFS and inflict GUARD BREAK. When a BUFF or DEBUFF on the opponent expires, she has the ability to gain another set of BUFFS, allowing her to stack multiple BUFFS for survivability and increased damage output.
- Deal Breaker's guaranteed GUARD BREAK allows her to be aggressive in a fight. It is best to equip Tier 1 blockbusters that charge fast such as IMPENDING DOOM and ARGUS AGONY. IMPENDING DOOM is particularly noteworthy because it is a long-range blockbuster that can inflict STUN. With multiple stacks of GUARD BREAK, IMPENDING DOOM can be used from afar to open up combo routes. Once the hit connects, players can get close with Deal Breaker and start her combo game to build meter for other blockbusters and stack up more BUFFS.
- GUARD BREAK allows Deal Breaker to play like Fukua, with access to zoning tools from afar and the ability to get close quickly to start combo chains.
- The BUFFS that Deal Breaker get from her first Signature Ability are all very potent. IMMUNITY prevents DEBUFFS from being applied, HASTE charges blockbusters faster (and reuse them again) and ENRAGE increases her damage output. After several BUFFS and DEBUFF expiry, Deal Breaker will have plenty of BUFFS to be a consistent damage dealer.
- Marquee Ability: SPECIAL FEATURE is the recommended Marquee Ability for Deal Breaker as it provides the chance to reset the cooldown for her special moves which are mostly projectiles and reuse them almost immediately.
- Stat Investment: Like any other offensive Peacocks, Deal Breaker will benefit from investment in ATK, Piercing and Meter Gain to increase her damage output while charging blockbusters faster.
- This variant's color palette is based off Cuphead from the side-scrolling run and gun video game Cuphead.
- This variant features a previously unused intro animation, originally removed due to having a large file size.