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Craic Some Heads is a special annual Prize Fight that celebrates St. Patrick's Day in March with extravagant rewards ranging from Elemental Shards, Theonite, Canopy Coins, Keys and Special Relics featuring a limited pool of exclusive fighters.

Modifiers & Restrictions[]

This Prize Fight features two modifiers, each for the player and the opponent. This Prize Fight has no fighter restrictions.

[Air Element Fighters]: Gain 1 stack of PRECISION every 3 seconds. CRITICAL HITS have a 20% chance to grant REGEN for 10 seconds.
Gain a BUFF every 10 seconds and at the start of the match. The BUFF gained lasts for 10 seconds and cycles between FINAL STAND and IMMUNITY.

Tips & Tricks[]

  • Offense: For March we have the St. Patrick's Day Prize Fight CRAIG SOME HEADS, and with it it brings a pair of wacky modifiers. LUCK OF THE IRISH is a modifier placed on the player's side, and it gives a consistent stream of PRECISION to Air elemental variants, while also giving them a chance to gain some healing with each crit they pull off. The latter effect is often not influential, but the PRECISION allows Air variants to crit very consistently while allowing them to avoid defensive on-hit abilities. Claw & Order for example can use the PRECISION in order to gain more chances to reset debuffs on the opponent.
    • The modifier placed on the enemy's side, SAINTS & SCHOLARS, can be rather annoying; The enemy cycles between having IMMUNITY and FINAL STAND every 10 seconds, making them either immune to debuffs or unable to be killed for the duration of the effects. There are a number of ways to (slightly) bypass this:
      • CURSE the enemy before the FINAL STAND ends. This will prevent IMMUNITY being applied, allowing the player to have a longer period of time to land whatever debuffs they want to inflict. This can also be done during the IMMUNITY cycle with a source of buff removal.
      • Remove the FINAL STAND with buff removal. For this reason Stand Out is an exceptional choice for offense as she has a chance to prevent the buffs from being applied, the Air element requirement for the LUCK OF THE IRISH modifier and arguably the best source of buff removal in the game in CHAOS BANISH.
      • Don't rely on debuffs. This will make the IMMUNITY cycle less of a pain.
  • Defense:

Event Rewards[]

Shamrock Relic[]

Shamrock Relic Exclusive (2024)

The Shamrock Relic is an exclusive relic that can only be obtained through the Prize Fight rewards. They are also sold in the shop for a limited time throughout the event's duration. Shamrock Relics feature a limited pool of green-themed fighters.

The contents of the Shamrock Relic may change. The image displays the pool of fighters that was released during the most recent event.

Tree of Life Relic[]

Tree of Life Relic Exclusive (2024)

The Tree of Life Relic is an exclusive relic that can be obtained through reaching the final milestone in the Prize Fight rewards. They are also sold in the shop for a limited time throughout the event's duration. Tree of Life Relics feature a limited pool of Diamond tier fighters.

The contents of the Tree of Life Relic may change. The image displays the pool of fighters that was released during the most recent event.

14 150,000,000 1x Tree of Life Relic
13 100,000,000 1x Legendary Relic, 500 Air Elemental Shards
12 50,000,000 300 Air Elemental Shards, 250 Diamond Relic Shards
11 25,000,000 200 Air Elemental Shards, 500 Gold Relic Shards
10 12,500,000 1x Shamrock Relic, 100 Theonite, 384,000 Canopy Coins
9 8,000,000 90 Theonite, 256,000 Canopy Coins
8 4,500,000 80 Theonite, 171,000 Canopy Coins
7 2,500,000 1x Shamrock Relic, 70 Theonite, 114,000 Canopy Coins
6 1,500,000 60 Theonite, 76,000 Canopy Coins
5 800,000 50 Theonite, 50,000 Canopy Coins
4 325,000 1x Shamrock Relic, 40 Theonite, 34,000 Canopy Coins
3 100,000 30 Theonite, 22,500 Canopy Coins
2 50,000 20 Theonite, 15,000 Canopy Coins
1 25,000 10 Theonite, 10,000 Canopy Coins

Rank 1-100 1x Diamond Key, 5x Shamrock Relics
Top 10% 4x Shamrock Relics
Top 11%-30% 3x Shamrock Relics
Top 31%-60% 2x Shamrock Relics
Top 61%-100% 1x Shamrock Relic

Score Cutoffs[]


Rank #1
Rank #100
Top 10%
Top 30%
Top 60%
01 MAR 2023 1,988,682,435 269,625,301 22,321,237 5,009,395 5,009,395
01 MAR 2022 983,320,547 252,415,126 28,025,011 4,923,691 680,204


Date Rank #1 Rank #100 Top 10% Top 30% Top 60% Duration (Days)
17 MAR 2021 341,650,023 195,861,562 25,418,940 5,645,382 835,298 4
14 MAR 2020 282,383,913 171,785,985 33,628,857 9,183,955 2,511,657 4
17 MAR 2019 UNRECORDED 35,328,110 11,004,585 UNRECORDED UNRECORDED 1