Claw & Order is an Air, Gold Ms. Fortune variant.
Claw & Order is also available as a Prize Fight reward in the Gold Tier and Diamond Tier of the A Head of the Game Prize Fight.
Signature Ability 1 |
CRITICAL HITS have a 25/35/50% chance to reset the timers of all opponent DEBUFFS except STUN and DOOM. |
Set the opponent's SPECIAL MOVES on cooldown and DISABLE their BLOCKBUSTERS for 10/12/15 seconds when dealing at least 10/7/5% of the opponent's MAX HEALTH from a single HIT. |
Tips and Tricks[]
Role & Strategy[]
- Claw & Order is an offensive fighter with a Signature Ability that allows her to lock the opponent's blockbusters and special moves after doing enough burst damage. She can also reset the timers of all opponent DEBUFFS, allowing her to completely prevent the opponent's blockbusters and special moves throughout the game, while also resetting DEBUFFS inflicted by herself or her teammates.
- Claw & Order relies primarily on burst damage to activate her second Signature Ability. Hence, typical combos such as FIBER UPPER > EL GATO > CAT SLIDE are recommended as they can deal a massive amount of damage in a relatively low number of hits. FIBER UPPER also inflicts ARMOR BREAK, which she can then reset constantly for more damage.
- Claw & Order's first Signature Ability allows her to reset the timers of all DEBUFFS. It is important to remember that Ms. Fortune has access to special moves and blockbusters that can inflict various DEBUFFS:
- CAT SCRATCH inflicts DEATH MARK or ARMOR BREAK (only when blocked)
- HIT PAWS inflict BLEED
- Ms Fortune's Prestige Ability also inflicts GUARD BREAK, which she can reset as well. This makes it far easier to keep on the offense once she fills her Prestige gauge.
- Claw & Order can be paired with Sundae School to increase the duration of DEBUFFS, or Sheltered to increase her Crit Rate. Red Velvet also makes a great partner as she can inflict HEX, which Claw & Order can then reset indefinitely.
- Using Guest Stars, Claw & Order is able to get access to useful DEBUFFS without the need of teammates, making her one of the best Ms. Fortunes. Guest Stars, like Brain Drain: Head Trauma, allows her to stack many debuffs while also having access to DEBUFFS like HEX.
- Marquee Ability: The recommended Marquee Ability for Claw & Order is BOOP, giving her stacks of ENRAGE and further increasing her damage output.
Stat Investment[]
- General Investment: As an offensive Ms. Fortune, Claw & Order is best built with Attack, Piercing, Meter Gain and Special Cooldown.
- Special investment: Crit Damage and Crit Rate will increase the chances of her Signature ability activating, while also elevating her overall damage.
- This variant's color palette is based off the original Xbox 360 with its caption being a direct quote from Super Troopers (2001).