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Class Cutter is a Dark, Diamond Filia variant.

Signature Ability 1
All HITS from a BLOCKBUSTER or Special Move have a 10% chance to be UNBLOCKABLE and inflict DEATH MARK for 10/12/15 seconds.
Signature Ability 2
Inflict HEAVY BLEED and HEAL BLOCK for 10 seconds when dealing at least 10/7/5% of the opponent's MAX HEALTH from a single HIT.

Tips and Tricks[]

Role & Strategy[]

  • Class Cutter is an offensive fighter with a Signature Ability that allows her to deal significant damage to the toughest defenders. Unlike other Filia variants, Class Cutter has the capability to inflict HEAL BLOCK, allowing her to deal significant damage against common fighters that are used to counter Filia's BLEED by turning them into REGEN, such as Bloodbath or any Valentine with the ICU Marquee Ability.
  • Class Cutter has a significantly high base ATK stat, and in conjunction with all the DEBUFFS she inflicts along with unblockable blockbusters and special moves, Class Cutter has the tools to significantly land massive damage to opponents of any kind. However, as she relies on these DEBUFFS to cripple defenders, fighters that can gain IMMUNITY such as Dream Band can be troubling for her to take down.
    • All of Class Cutter's moves have a chance to inflict a long-lasting DEATH MARK, increasing crit damage for the duration. This, along with a decently built Crit Rate, can make Class Cutter a good critical damage dealer.
  • A lot of Filia's moves have high hit counts, which can make it harder to trigger her second Signature Ability, especially against high streak Prize Fight teams. WIDOW'S PEAK, BLOWOUT and TRICHOBEZOAR are exceptions to this, having very low hit counts and high burst damage. WIDOW'S PEAK is especially notable as it inflicts ARMOR BREAK, removing ARMOR stacks and softening up defenders for hits right after.
  • Defensively, Class Cutter can be a dangerous opponent to face as she has access to unblockable special moves that can be used at the start of the match. There really is no way to counter this, as it comes down to chance. However, quickly back-dashing at the start of the match may avoid such attacks from hitting.
  • Marquee Ability: LEECH is the recommended ability for Class Cutter, despite THE FIRST CUT complementing her heavy bleed. This is due to her Signature Ability which inflicts bleed consistently and reliably, as well as other Filia moves capable of inflicting BLEED to lower the enemy's Health quickly before Class Cutter's Debuffs expire. Due to this, Class Cutter tends to prefer LEECH to sustain herself during battle, with high bursts of healing when landing Critical Hits thanks to DEATH MARK.

Stat Investment[]

  • General Investment: As an offensive Filia, Class Cutter is best built with Attack, Piercing, Meter Gain and Special Cooldown.
  • Special investment: Crit Rate and Crit Damage are the most important stat for Class Cutter. Accuracy will ensure that her DEBUFFS will not be resisted by enemies, and there's a higher chance of her Special Moves and Blockbusters being unblockable.


  • This variant is a reference to Ryūko Matoi, the main protagonist from the Kill la Kill anime series.