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Chameleon Twist is an Air, Silver Fukua variant.


Signature Ability 1
Gain MIASMA for 5/7/10 seconds when HITTING a DASHING opponent.

Signature Ability 2
5% chance when HIT while a BLOCKBUSTER is charged to gain EVASION and MIASMA for 5/7/10 seconds.

Tips and Tricks[]

Role & Strategy[]

  • Chameleon Twist is a fighter with a Signature Ability that allows her to gain the MIASMA buff when used in both offense and defense. MIASMA is a strong BUFF that allows her to drain opponent's health and meter simply by being near to the opponent which allows her to execute combos with blockbusters faster while keeping her health ahead of the opponent without having to worry of getting punished with the opponent's blockbuster.
  • On the offense, Chameleon Twist gains MIASMA by hitting a dashing opponent, also known as intercepting. This can easily be done at a close distance through a normal ground combo or by the use of Fukua's arsenal of projectile-based special moves and blockbusters such as FOREVER A CLONE, SWARM EMBRACE, and GOODNIGHT KISS.
  • When used defensively, Chameleon Twist can gain both MIASMA and EVASION simply by being hit while having a fully charged blockbuster. This allows her to be a slippery defender that can prevent blockbusters through her MIASMA. However, the chance of activation is quite low and requires some RNG to work.
  • Marquee Ability: Both of Fukua's Marquee Abilities only activates when a certain percentage of health is lost, which is unfavorable when used offensively but can be useful when used defensively. Either Marquee Ability will work with Chameleon Twist, although WRAITH'S WRATH is more preferred as it provides her with some survivability as she will mostly be relying on MIASMA for damage and thus may not need the increased damage output from SPECTRAL SPITE.
  • Stat Investment: Chameleon Twist will benefit from investment in ATK and Piercing to increase her overall damage output when used offensively and HP and Defense to increase her survivability when used defensively. In either case, Meter Gain is generally recommended to quickly charge blockbuster faster for quicker blockbuster usage.


  • This variant is a direct reference to the character Reptile, from the Mortal Kombat video game series with its caption being a quote from an episode in the American sitcom, The Office.