Blue Streak is a Water, Diamond Filia variant.
Signature Ability 1 |
Grant DEADEYE and HASTE while Filia has at least 100/98/95% HEALTH. These BUFFS are removed when Filia’s HEALTH drops below 100/98/95%. |
Gain IMMUNITY, FINAL STAND and UNFLINCHING for 5/6/7 seconds each when using a BLOCKBUSTER while benefiting from DEADEYE. Also gain 3 stacks of PRECISION. |
Tips and Tricks[]
Role & Strategy[]
- Blue Streak is an offensive fighter with a Signature Ability that grants her DEADEYE and HASTE when her health is high. Using a Blockbuster while these buffs are active gives her several defensive BUFFS as well as 3 stacks of PRECISION. This combination of abilities allows Blue Streak to be a powerful variant that can easily fend off common defensive strategies.
- Blue Streak's biggest power lies in the utility her BUFFS give her. DEADEYE allows her to ignore the opponent's defense and common defensive BUFFS such as EVASION, AUTO-BLOCK, UNFLINCHING and THORNS. This allows her to be a useful counter against common defensive variants such as That's All Folks!, Model Leader and Plot Twisted. Meanwhile, HASTE allows her to charge her Blockbusters very quickly, giving her frequent access to her BUFFS.
- Upon blockbuster use, she gains BUFFS such as IMMUNITY, FINAL STAND, PRECISION and UNFLINCHING. Out of these BUFFS, IMMUNITY and PRECISION are most noteworthy, as they allow Blue Streak to bypass debuff-reliant defenders like Resonant Evil or Freedom Fighter, as well as defenders with on-death effects such as Immoral Fiber.
- Blue Streak gains massive utility with her BUFFS, but they all disappear as soon as she loses enough health. This makes her much more reliant on intercepting attacks than other variants, and much weaker against Painwheel variants with TAINTED BLOOD as their Marquee Ability.
- Alternatively, LEECH gives her a way to get the health she needs back.
- While Blue Streak has no inherent way to increase her own damage, her base ATK damage is sufficiently high enough to make her usable against tougher defenders regardless. Furthermore, access to BLEED in Filia's kit and health regeneration from LEECH, Filia's Marquee Ability, provides the necessary tools for Blue Streak to handle most situations with ease.
- Marquee Ability: LEECH is the recommended Marquee Ability, since it allows Blue Streak a way to regain health back above her Signature Ability's requirement.
Stat Investment[]
- General Investment: As an offensive Filia, Blue Streak is best built with Attack, Piercing and Special Cooldown.
- Special investment: Crit Damage is the most important stat for Blue Streak.
- This variant is a reference to Sonic the Hedgehog, the titular main protagonist of the Sonic the Hedgehog series and Sega's mascot, with its caption being a direct quote from the character.
- This variant has unique visual flairs in combat. In this case, when using her second SIGNATURE ABILITY, the palette changes into a yellow color while also gaining yellow-colored BUFFS, which is a direct reference to Sonic's transformation into Super Sonic, the super state that grants Sonic virtual invulnerability to harm.