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Assassin's Greed is a Light, Diamond Valentine variant.

Signature Ability 1
When the opponent uses a BLOCKBUSTER against Valentine, they lose 15/20/25% of their remaining HEALTH and suffer HEAVY BLEED for 5 seconds.
Signature Ability 2
Gain 3/4/5% HEALTH per second while nearby an opponent suffering BLEED.

Tips and Tricks[]

Role & Strategy[]

  • Assassin's Greed is a defensive fighter with a Signature Ability that severely punishes opponents from using a blockbuster while granting her incredible regeneration for survivability. With the highest HP stat of all Valentines, Assassin's Greed is a very potent defender that is difficult to kill without a proper strategy due to her terrifying regenerative abilities.
  • When used offensively, it is recommended to equip moves such as LARYNGECTOMY which can inflict BLEED as she has a comparatively low ATK stat. Furthermore, applying BLEED on the opponent also helps her survivability by providing healing from her second Signature Ability.
  • Marquee Ability: ICU is the recommended Marquee Ability for Assassin's Greed, providing her an alternative way to gain healing without relying on her Signature Ability. This allows her to be a better defensive wall that cannot be worn down by BLEED effects.
  • Stat Investment: As a defensive fighter, Assassin's Greed will benefit from investment in HP and Defense to increase her defensive capabilities. Meter Gain is also recommended to quickly charge blockbusters for an unblockable Tier 3 blockbuster or FORBIDDEN PROCEDURE to resurrect fallen teammates.

Rift Battles[]

  • Assassin's Greed excels at denying blockbusters on defense which makes it difficult to defeat her on top of her high HP stat. Assassin's Greed forces opponents to either lose points from not defeating her with a blockbuster, or lose points from the health loss. This allows her to be a formidable defender even in single nodes.
  • Assassin's Greed can be potent when paired with Kill Joy and Last Hope that can grant her further REGEN support from the bench. Catalysts such as Last Words and Autoimmune also makes it harder to swiftly defeat her, forcing opponents to rely on raw power to deal with a team of triple light Valentine node that excels at stalling for time.


  • This variant's color palette is a reference to Trish, a non-playable character from the Persona 2 duology, with its caption being a catchphrase of the character.